The Greenwood County Historical Museum houses a collection of history from the formation of the Flint Hills to the great Cattle and Oilmen who shaped the social and economic foundation of the area. (Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
From the museum’s website:
What started as a friendly effort to help people find their Greenwood County family origins, has developed into an impressive service to Historical Society members and friends and to correspondents living half a continent away. The museum has gradually acquired a number of research tools — census records, an obituary file, cemetery records and family information files. Some records have been furnished by the Genealogical Society, old newspapers have been donated by the Herald office and by individuals. Much family information has been contributed by correspondents seeking family records. Collections of this correspondence have been added to by still other members of the same families. Until now several cabinets were needed to store this information about many Greenwood County families.
Hardly a day goes by without at least one guest in our research department and at least one letter of genealogical inquiry arriving by mail. There are small fees for research, depending on the amount of research and copies that are required, but donations from satisfied patrons benefit both the museum and the donors. All gifts are tax deductible. Names of the correspondents have been added to our list of newsletter recipients and as a result the museum has sold many memberships and copies of Greenwood County histories to purchasers throughout the nation.